Monday, May 25, 2009

智慧牙的认识 Knowledge of Wisdom Tooth

These are the examples position of wisdom tooth.
Wisdom tooth may caused:
  1. INFECTION: When an impacted wisdom tooth starts to push through the gums, an infection can start around the top of the tooth. Infections and inflammation (swollen red gums) can cause pain, swelling and jaw stiffness.
  2. CROWDING: A wisdom tooth may push nearby teeth out of their correct position and may help to cause crowding of front teeth.
  3. CYSTS: Sacs of fluid called cysts can form around the tooth and may displace the tooth. The cysts can destroy bone and damage other teeth and gums.
  4. DAMAGE TO NEARBY MOLARS: An impacted wisdom tooth may keep pushing against the molars next to it. This often leads to serious damage to both teeth.

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