Is there such a thing as a cosmetic emergency? There sure is.
This young lady had a half-treated tooth which broke off when we are so close to Chinese New Year and all the labs are closed. We had to put something presentable to last her till the labs are operating again.

This is what her tooth looks like. Root canal treatment was started but not completed. The patient left the tooth as it was until it fractured.

We completed the root canal for her, placed a couple of metal pins into the root filling and built a composite crown. Notice the greyish colouration from the metal pins.

We saw the patient again when the root filling has settled in. A fibre post was cemented inside the canal. The core of the crown was built up.

An accurate rubber impression was sent to the lab. We shall wait for the final emax crown to be completed. Stay tuned.

Final emax crown.
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