Monday, September 7, 2009

Changing His Smile

This senior executive has been neglecting his teeth for ages. Then, his front tooth broke and he only complained about the discomfort and not the appearance.

We've decided to make a veneer for him.
Very minimal preparation or trimming of the tooth was done.
A rubber impression was taken and sent to the lab for an Empress veneer.

 Veneer was cemented. Bulk has been added to that tooth and it could have been better if he had done more veneers. But then, he only complained of discomfort and couldn't even be bothered if we got the colour right.
We decided that he needed a scaling to clean out his lower teeth and did it for him.
Here he is after scaling. For the first time, we saw him looking at his teeth in the mirror for more than a second.
= The end =

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