Friday, August 21, 2009

What is your skin type?

Normal skin:
>> Firm, smooth and unblemished
>> Neith dry nor oily
>> No enlarged pores

Suitable products: Powder, cream and gel formulas

Dry Skin:
>> Feel rough and looks dull
>> Sebaceous glands are smaller than normal, and thereby produces less oil
>> Pores are usually not very visible
>> Prone to wrinkles
>> Get red or irritated easily in windy and cold weather

Suitable products: Cream formulas. It keep moisture in, is easier to blend and stays on better than powder.

Oily skin:
>> Large and more active sebaceous glands
>> Large and clogged pores
>> Prone to acne and dermatitis, which can be aggraveted by the sun's rays, poor diet, stress and alcohol

Suitable products: Powder and gel formulas. Powder soaks up excess oil and gel dries up very quickly after application, making skin less oily.

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