Monday, August 3, 2009

Discoloured and Missing Teeth

This young lady could easily afford to her her front teeth crowned, but was told by her dentists that it would be impossible to properly crown the upper teeth due to the missing lateral incisor. She was also extremely fearful if dentistry due to previous unpleasant dental experiences when she was a child. Thus she tended to keep her old discoloured and worn fillings until they actually fell out rather than replace then when they became unsightly. When defective fillings aren't replaced, they become sources for bacterial plaque accumulation and encourage further decay and disease. Note how the gum tissue has reduced from the crown of the patient's upper left lateral incisor due to gum disease.

Full crowns
Following gum (peridontal) surgery, all the teeth were crowned with porcelain bonded to metal. This produced a cleaner more attractive smile that renewed the patient's confidence and further motivated her to use better home care and have more frequent professional cleanings. Many times patient who have extensive treatment will become good preventive-oriented patients. With an appreciation of their new smile, many patients even stop harmful habits, such as smoking, which stains teeth.

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