Saturday, July 11, 2009

Recontouring Your Smile

(Gingivectomy) Recontouring is one of the most important developments of cosmetic dentistry. Very often cosmetic recontouring involves a gingivectomy, or "gum lift," in which the dentist removes the patient's excess gum tissue. The procedure usually takes not more than half an hour per tooth.
Have you noticed that when some people smile they seems to reveal too much gum, or their teeth appear to be uneven in length? This condition can be hereditary. Other times it is the result of gradual softening of the gums with age - especially after years of failing to brush the gums vigorously.

A gingivectomy is the dental equivalent of liposuction, producing major aesthetic benefits quickly. Your smile will be softer and less gummy - more of your teeth will be visible. Teeth that appeared too small will look larger and more attractive.

(Tooth reshaping) Another kind of recontouring is tooth reshaping. This involes scraping off a wafer-thin slice of enamel from your tooth to remove uneven or chipped edges or other imperfections. This process can shorten teeth that seem too long and round teeth that have become pointed. Since enamel has no nerve connections, you will feel no pain as your dentist sculpts a more attractive smile.
(Laminates) We call this "veneering" the perfect smile. Individuals who feel their teeth are misshape, discoloured, chipped, or somehow unattractive are delighted with this affordable solution to oral disfigurement.

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