Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cosmetic Options

The term cosmetic dentistry is misleading. The world cosmetic implies a superficial, temporary change - like applying make up. But cosmetic dentistry is neither superficial nor short term, and includes a combination of dental treatments that change the way you look and feel.

On the other hand, the term does convey some important realities. The dictionary defines cosmetic primarily as something "used to beautify", and secondarily as "tending to improve facial or physical attractiveness." Cosmetic dentistry whitens what time has yellowed, eliminates gaps where small spaces once prevailed, and smotthes what has become chipped amd uneven. Although not a fountain of youth, an investment in cosmetic dentistry can have a tremendous effect on your appearance, and consequently, on how others respond to you.

People sometimes implay that cosmetic dentistry is a frivolous indulgence in vanity. But it's undeniable that we're often initially judged on the basis of appearance, and that a large part of our appearance is our smile. First impressions matter and often have lasting effects.

To be continue...

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