Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tips For Patients Who Have Bonding

  1. Do not chew.
  2. Brush normally.
  3. Floss your teeth at least once daily. (Pull floss out horizontally, but not vertically.)
  4. Take multi-vitamins two times daily for one month before and after treatment if gum tissue is inflammed.
  5. have your teeth cleaned at least three or four times yearly.
  6. Make sure you are not grinding your teeth at night. If you are, have your dentist construct a bite guard to avoid fracturing the bonding and minimize damage to your bonded teeth as well as your temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
  7. Do not bite your fingernails. The force can crack the bonding.
  8. Do not pick at a newly bonded tooth with your fingernail.
  9. Do not try your new teeth out too soon.
  10. To prevent staining try to avoid or keep to a minimum coffee, tea, soy sauce, colas, grape juice, blueberries, and fresh cherries.
  11. Do not smoke.
  12. To prevent fracture, avoid directly biting, with front bonded teeth, into the foods.

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