Thursday, May 21, 2009

牙科恐惧症 Dental Phobia

Dental fear refers to the fear of dentistry and of receiving dental care.

Dental phobia checklist:
  1. Have you postponed making an appointment with your dentist in the past six months because of inconvenience? Other priorities? Forgetfulness?
  2. When you do go for an appointment, have you been told by a dental professional that your oral health would improve if you scheduled appointments regularly?
  3. Over the past six months, have you made decisions about what food to eat based on how you anticipated that food would affect the nerves in your teeth? For exmaple, have you passed on an ice cream dessert or said no to a steaming bowl of hot soup, and not followed up by making a dental appointment within 24 hours?
If you answered YES to one of these questions, you might have some degree of dental phobia. If you answered yes to two or all questions, you liked have dental phobia that is affecting your health and appearance.

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