A: Crown is the portion which is covered with enamel and is generally above the gum line. Crown also known as tooth cap.
There's dialogues i would like to share with you in between a patient and the dental assistant.
Patient: P Dental Assistant: B
B: Good morning. This is xxx clinic. May i help you?
P: Good morning. I am P, I would like to enquires about crowning and how much do your clinic charge per tooth? I went to see another dentist few weeks ago, the dentist adviced me to do a crown on my left side of canaine. But it costs me too much.
B: Hi P, it depends on what kind of crowning you would like to have it. We have many types of crown, like empress crown, porcelaine and metal crown, cercon crown, emax crown, and so on. For your case, I will advise you to do the emax crown and it costs $800 per tooth.
P: What is the different in between these crowns? It's same price???
B: No, is difference price. Porcelaine and metal crown costs $600 per tooth and emax crown costs $800. Well, ceramic crowns that are very natural-looking and without metal backing are empress, procera, cercon and most recently is emax crown. An emax crown will look more natural, real and beautiful.
P: Oh... okay! I understand it. Can i make an appointment to see the dentist?
B: Yeah, sure.
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